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Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to our most commonly asked questions.

+ What happens to my current website?

+ What if down the road you change your policy/pricing structure (i.e. to an annual fee) that we can not afford?

+ Is there a contract in place that protects us from making the switch and then later having some unforeseen changes that can affect us negatively.

+ What happens in the rare cases that an adopter wants to pay the adoption fee using cash?

+ How long does it take before I receive the money from adoption fees or other donations?

+ Do you offer a training that I can attend on Zoom with my staff so that we can learn how to use all the features?

+ When an animal adoption is finalized, does it show on the website as adopt adopted or does it disappear completely from the view?

+ Is there a way to filter on the website such as filter by animal type, filter by age, etc. If so, what are all the filter options?

+ How will my information be protected?

+ Do you guys collect data and information from the forms that people are filling out?

+ If there is a contract to get started?

+ How long does it take for the website to be up and running from the time of sign up?